Saturday, April 23, 2011

4/20- 4/22 – We were expected to get more thunderstorms again but the day turned out to be pretty good. Stopped at the COE Dam visitor center first. Drove down the Trace to Tupelo and on the way stopped at some Indian Mounds that cover about ten football fields. This was a burial site BC and they have found pottery, gold, bodies, Indian heads and anything else that would have been buried with the dead. The mounds are very interesting. Also stopped at a pullover that had tons of dogwood trees in bloom and a section of the old trace with high sides. One could not travel the Trace by themselves because of the dangers of been robbed and murdered by Indians, thieves and back woodsmen. Stopped by the Trace Visitor Center in Tupelo. Stayed at Tombigbee State Park in Tupelo but did not care for it. The State Park is run down but we did meet some nice campers staying for just the night like we were. One couple had two huge black great dames.
The next day we went to Elvis Presley Birthplace Park where the home that Elvis was born in is as well as his church, museum, walk of fame, statues and the story wall. Elvis bought the land and the house about ten years before he died and deeded it to the town. Very interesting and the story wall had quotes of people who grew up with him including his best friends and his sixth grade teacher. They all said that he never forgot anyone he grew up with even when he was rich and famous. Also, stopped by the Tupelo Battlefield but no place to park but we were able to stop at the National Pvt. John Allen Fish Hatchery which provides stock for all the lakes, rivers etc for these southeastern states. The ranger gave us a private tour and we were able to look into the vats and see baby Alligator Gar as well as young adults that weighed about 200 lbs. Never saw these before and they are huge – largest one caught by a pole was over 224 and by a net close to 400. This hatchery was fascinating! Stayed the next two nights in Tupelo at the Campground at Barnes Crossing with some big units next to a pasture and very close to the Trace. Relaxing stop – actually had cable, sewers and Wi-Fi for the first time. Really cute office – lots of birds, flowers, swings and atmosphere.

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