Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blue Angels, Ft. Pickens, Gulf Islands National Seashore - Florida

5/11 – We got up early to drive, walk or bike a mile up the road at Ft. Pickens and the end of this island to watch the Blue Angels perform. Stood on a fishing dock out in the bay so that we could see the base right across. The Blue Angels did not disappoint! Right at 8:30 AM and for the next 45 min they put on a performance. Most of it right above us. They practice the end of March until May (Tuesday and Wednesday) with the next group that will be on tour for this year. Another group is just starting out in California and next year will move to this base. There are six of them. Four perform for the first 20 minutes while numbers 5 and 6 perform at the same time but with each other. The last 15 minutes the 6 fly in formation together with a star burst formation for the last act. George had the binoculars and it was hard to decide which ones to watch the singles, the doubles or the four of them together. They were swirling all around us. One of the highlights of our trip! Then we walked over to the Fort and took a self guided tour. This is the fort where they held Geronimo after his capture before they finally took him to Fort Sill, OK. Enjoyed the rest of the day at the beach and bike riding.

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