Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dog, LA, Houmas House, Poche Plantation

5/5 We left today very sad from Natchez State Park in Mississippi to head to below Baton Rouge, LA! The dog that had been left in the State Park since January really started to bond with me. When he saw me now he was wagging his tail and I have been the only one that has been able to touch him. Yet, we are happy the nice couple from Ontario that had two golden labs with them fell in love with this abandoned dog. They were to leave today but they are staying for another week if need be to try to capture this dog and bring him to a vet for shots and bath and then take him home. The three dogs really got along well. Sue and John even put a bed outside their camper for him to sleep on and he slept there last night right in front of their door but not near enough for anyone to grab him. They are headed to Walmart today to buy a cage, leash and whatever else it takes to get him. He was such a good dog but you could tell that he had been abused by some men. John said he was going to name him Obama because the dog is half white and half black and doesn’t have a birth certificate so the name fits. Nice couple! They had been kidding us and the couple next to us from Jacksonville, FL that why was a Canadian couple taking this dog and not the Americans. I will say though if this was near home this would have been another dog that we would have picked up. I took some pictures of him to put on my blog.
Drove down 61 to Baton Rouge and saw the top of the capitol and planned on visiting it Saturday morning but after going through the traffic and construction mess in this capitol city, I think we will bypass it.
Stopped by Houmas House Plantation on River Road and what a place, it is right on the Mississippi. The gardens are beautiful and the old oak trees some close to 1000 years old are huge with limbs bending down to the ground. This whole complex is worth a stop. Stunning! The present owner still lives in the house and when he bought it in 2003; he opened it up to the public again for tours, fine dining, gift shop and lunches in their cafeteria. Our guide was great and there have been a number of movies filmed here but she told us that most of the stars are very friendly but that Jane Seymour was a snob who ignored the public and staff. I love Jane Seymour as an actress and I always thought she was such a nice person. We drove to our campground right on River Road after the tour and tomorrow we will be touring two more plantations Laura: A Creole Plantation and Oak Alley Plantation on River Road on the other side of the river. They did stop boat traffic on the Mississippi today and we will be leaving the river to head east along the coast on Saturday morning so we have been lucky that we have been able to tour and see everything that we planned.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Some really nice pictures. Keep up the good work.

